Students and faculty and staff members at the University of Central Florida are encouraged to join the university’s Campus Emergency Response Team, or CERT.

CERT is designed to prepare UCF for disaster response through training and planning, and it serves as an important resource that can help members perform emergency functions needed in several disaster scenarios.

Training includes several classes, including disaster preparedness, fire suppression, medical operations and terrorism and homeland defense. This training will allow those on campus to respond quickly in a situation where professional responders aren’t immediately available to help.

The two-day course is on October 1-2 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Emergency Operations Center on Libra Drive. Classes must be attended in their entirety to complete the training.

In order to complete all of the training in the two-day course format, every student is required to complete the online version of the class to register. This will allow the class to focus on hands-on learning components. Click here to take the class. Certificates must be sent to CERT advisor Ari Schein.

CERT membership is free, but members are expected to attend monthly meetings and exercises and assist at campus and local events when needed.

For more information, contact Schein at 407-823-0714 or