Ndaba Mandela, the grandson of former South African president and anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela, will visit the University of Central Florida on Sept. 21 to discuss his outlook for Africa’s future and the impact his grandfather had on the world. His visit is sponsored by the UCF Global Perspectives Office and will be at 10:30 a.m. in the Cape Florida Ballroom of the Student Union.

In an effort to continue his grandfather’s legacy, Mandela is the co-founder and chairman of the Africa Rising Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting a positive image of Africa around the world and increasing its potential for growth in education, employment and international corporate alliances. Previously, Mandela served as a political consultant at Japan’s embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, and worked in business development.

In 2012, Mandela was instrumental in creating the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness. As a result of his work, he was named one of the “28 Men of Change” by Black Entertainment Television in 2014.

The UCF forum is open to the public.