Rosen College students Allyssa Anderson and Trevor Sorbo, alongside Dr. James Hogg, recently coupled emerging mobile technology with science fiction.  The three turned their research into exciting mini-lessons at the Meeting Professionals International (MPI) World Education Congress (WEC).

Their presentation, “Galaxy M3: Mobile Marketing, Mobile Commerce and Mobile Strategies” taught participants how to utilize mobile technology while embarking on an intergalactic scavenger hunt.  “I was influenced by Star Trek and tried not to geek out too much,” shares Sorbo.

Participants explored various galaxies to find relics and clues to build content for the session.  Each piece provided insights to understand the elements involved in mobile marketing, to include mobile commerce strategies.

Dr. Hogg shares, “We had 18 teams deploy to another room where they encountered nine video portals to other worlds.  Our nine multimedia stories were embedded into 18 video quests that played on iPads, MacBooks, netbooks and on some iPhones.”

Each story ended with a different clue that brought each team back to the main room, where they collaborated to develop content for the remainder of the session.  Learner outcomes included listing the various technologies used, and constructing a framework for and developing marketing strategies that enhance mobile commerce.

Anderson and Sorbo guided teams through the relic hunt and facilitated discussions.  “This presentation has been a great learning experience for me.  I believe that a lot of the value of our time here at Rosen comes from what we put in, and extra projects like this teach me things that I cannot learn in a classroom,” she said.

Sorbo added, “This was an exciting experience because I came into contact with so many industry professionals.  This was an amazing way to network and get my foot in the door with a future employer.”

The project was the result of extensive literature review.  The team is proud to enhance the present body of knowledge and hopes to influence the creation of future business and web apps.